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Attributes for Exchange 5.5 Mailboxes :  MDB-Over-Quota-Limit

This is the second degree of the size limit configuration for the mailbox (in bytes).


LDAP name MDB-Over-Quota-Limit
Data type Integer
Multivalue (Array) No
Heuristic 12 => Replicated between sites, operational attribute
Access category

Admin access only

Ex55 Database name MDB-Over-Quota-Limit

If the mailbox user exceeds this limit, he won't be able to send mails any more. The two other limit degrees for the mailbox size limit can be configured with the attributes MDB-Storage-Quota and DXA-Task.

If you want to put these limits in force, you will have to set the attribute MDB-Use-Defaults to FALSE, otherwise the system uses the general limits which are a property of the regarding mailbox store.

The MDB-Over-Quota-Limit attribute is an operational attribute which is not automatically retrieved by a GetObject() or an GetInfo() call. You can load such attributes into the object property cache by explicitly calling GetInfoEx(). Read more about this technique in the topic 'Reading object attributes' here in the SelfADSI tutorial.