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Attributes for AD Users (Windows 2000 / Windows 2003)

You can search for the attributes by using the original tabs from the 'Active Directory Users and Computers' tool. Just click on the tab labels to get the detailed description. You can also go to the next tab by clicking it directly.

You can go here directly to the alphabetical list of attributes.

User Attributes : General Tab

User Attributes : Address Tab

User Attributes : Account Tab

User Attributes : Profile Tab

User Attributes : Telephones Tab

User Attributes : Organization Tab

The next tabs are only visible if Exchange has been installed in the Active Directory forest and if the according management tools exist on your machine - and if the regarding user is mail enabled.

User Attributes : Exchange Features Tab

User Attributes : Exchange Advanced Tab

User Attributes : Exchange Custom Attributes Dialog

User Attributes : Exchange ILS Dialog

User Attributes : Mailbox Rights Dialog

The next tab is only visible if you registered the library file AcctInfo.dll (Account Info) from the Windows 2003 Ressource Kit with the following command: regsvr32 acctinfo.dll

User Attributes : Additional Account Info Tab

The next tabs are only visible if Exchange has been installed in the Active Directory forest and if the according management tools exist on your machine - and if the regarding user is mail enabled.

User Attributes : Exchange General Tab

User Attributes : Delivery Restrictions Dialog

User Attributes : Delivery Options Dialog

User Attributes : Storage Limits Dialog

User Attributes : Email Addresses Tab

User Attributes : Sessions Tab

User Attributes : Remote Control Tab

User Attributes : Terminal Services Profile Tab

User Attributes : COM+ Tab

User Attributes : Published Certificates Tab

User Attributes : MemberOf Tab

User Attributes : Dial-in Tab

User Attributes : Object Tab

User Attributes : Security Tab

User Attributes : Environment Tab
